Forest Preschool
A vision for young children to explore and learn in the Colorado forest.
Wild Bear's Forest Preschool is situated on thousands of acres of wild mountain land. It provides an opportunity for young children to explore nature all year round and engage in unstructured play. This is essential for children as it allows them to develop social skills, express their creativity, problem-solve, and develop a deep connection with nature.
We believe that nature is the best teacher and that the forest provides children with the greatest inspiration to play creatively, cooperate with peers, and experience overall happiness. The forest play activities will be free and unstructured and will include nature story time, rest periods for taking care of the mind and body, and opportunities for creative expression such as art, theatre, and music.
Wild Bear incorporates natural science studies to help children understand habitats, wildlife adaptations, seasonal changes, water cycle, snow science, and more. Children maintain a journal which is often cherished by families as a keepsake of their wonderful experiences in nature.