Wild Bear is building a nature center that is powered by the sun, maintains a consistent temperature no matter how cold it is outside and produces more energy than it consumes, providing energy back to the grid.
Join Wild Bear’s commitment to demonstrate that it is possible to build a building that is aligned with nature, giving back through its energy systems and landscape. Each component of this high performance facility is being built with thoughtful intention to produce energy and to last more than 100 years. We are demonstrating that these things are possible. Think globally. Act locally.

What will my gift do?
$500,000: You are leading the charge to secure major components to the achieve the NET POSITIVE goal
$200,000 Is a major commitment to secure major components to the NET POSITIVE goal
$100,000 Is a major commttment to secure major components to the NET POSITIVE goal
$50,000. Is a major commttment to secure major components to the NET POSITIVE goal
Donations of $5,000 or more will be included on the donor wall!
Your gift today will support Wild Bear’s commitment to building a nature center that is powered by and giving back to nature.
Funds support the purchasing and installation of:
50KW of solar and south facing windows to achieve passive solar.
The heat pumps, plumbing and HVAC system.
The deep excavation, thick insulation making it a thermos bottle with no leakage
The plumbing to achieve radiant floor heating on both floors of the building
Naming Opportunties
The new Wild Bear Nature Center will act as a living organism, breathing with the seasons while providing opportunities to teach about nature and how we inhabit and sustain the Earth. Check out this video that explains how each component of the renewable energy profile will work together to complement our high-altitude environment.
What are the clean energy components?
50KW of solar
South facing windows
Floor Insulation
Floor plumbing for solar powered water heat
Heat pumps and HVAC
It’s What We All Have In Common
…the need for a healthy planet.
Be Like Richard.
Richard is generous and supports good things.
Richard believes renewable energy is possible, because if we can do it at this high elevation we can do it anywhere.
Richard is putting his convictions into action by supporting Wild Bear Nature Center’s vision.
Join Richard and others to think globally and act locally through this Wild Energy Campaign.